The chickens will come to roost

At long last I have completed the nesting box for the chicken coop, the last step to make their lives complete. It took me a while to get back at it, but now it is done, and it is nice.  It hangs off a slanted board that holds it tight to the wall and has a hinged lid to open to get eggs and clean out the nesting material.  Now I can finish the siding on that side and it will be a beautiful thing to behold. I was worried about insulating it and making the lid so it would open completely, but neither seems to be a challenge. No insulation, this is a summer nesting box, made mainly of plywood. It also happens that the lid won’t open up fully because it runs into the roof before it gets that far. I figure if it gets too cold, I can take the nesting box off and insulate that side a make a simple nesting box inside for the winter.

Caleb and the kids came over and helped and Theresa took the kids to the library in the bike trailer. Fun times!






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